242 Allen's Circle
P.O. Box 38
King and Queen Courthouse, VA 23085
Phone: (804) 785-7400
Fax: (804) 785-5489
All Emergencies Dial: 9-1-1
King and Queen County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff William R. Balderson
Dispatcher Supervisor: Sandra G. Davis
Email at:sdavis@kqso.net
Shirley Hill
Tammy Warren
Alexis Davis
Natalie Balderson
Zachary Carkin
Janeisha Ashlock-Moseley
Brittney Wash
Ellen Topham
The King & Queen County Sheriff's Office Dispatchers are always happy to welcome those who would like a tour of our Dispatcher Center or would like to know more about the daily tasks of our Dispatchers. If you would like a tour of the King & Queen County Sheriff's Office Dispatcher Center, email Dispatch Supervisor Sandra Davis at sdavis@kqso.net.
No prior experience needed, we will train you!
Benefits: Free Medical and Dental Insurance, VRS Retirement, Paid holiday, vacation and sick days.
King and Queen County
Emergency Communications Officers