242 Allen's Circle
P.O. Box 38
​ King and Queen Courthouse, VA 23085
 Phone: (804) 785-7400
​   Fax: (804) 785-5489
​  All Emergencies Dial: 9-1-1

​​​ King and Queen County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff William R. Balderson

Feel free to contact us anytime!

Call us at (804) 785-7400 or fill out the contact form below to send us an email and we will get back with you as soon as possible.
If you have an immediate emergency dial 9-1-1.

+1 (804) 785-7400

242 Allen's Circle / P.O. Box 38

King and Queen Courthouse, Virginia  23085 U.S.


Sheriff Rob Balderson - wrbalderson@kqso.net

Office Manager Vickie Draine - vdraine@kqso.net

Dispatch Supervisor Sandra Davis - sdavis@kqso.net

Captain M.M. Wilson - mmwilson@kqso.net

Administrative Assistant Sandra Laufer - slaufer@kqso.net

Victim Witness Assistance Program Director Robin Bostic- robinb@kqso.net

Contact Form

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